Weekly Book Newsletter (end March 2022)
30 January 2008

ACCC delays Borders ruling again x

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has again postponed its decision on A&R’s proposed takeover of Borders’ stores in Australia. The commission was due... Read more

Publishers, agent receive Australia Day honours x

Publishers Patrick Gallagher (chairman of Allen & Unwin) and Louise Adler (CEO of Melbourne University Publishing), and literary agent Rosemary Creswell were among the Australians honoured... Read more

It's just not cricket--APA decries Cricket Australia censorship x

A move by Cricket Australia (CA) to ban editorial material created at its events from being used in books, unless approved by CA, has drawn... Read more

ELR/PLR distributes over $17 million x

The 2006-07 annual report of the Public Lending Right (PLR) scheme has been released, showing detailed figures on the recipients of over $7 million in... Read more

Aurealis winners x

The winners of the 2007 Aurealis Awards for speculative fiction have been announced. ‘The field was of a particularly high standard this year, indicative of... Read more

Central Book Services launches 'consolidation service' x

Melbourne-based Central Book Services has launched what it describes as ‘Australia’s first booktrade consolidation service.’ Central Book Services ‘promises a solution to the many-warehouses-to-many-bookstores supply... Read more

More gold for Tan x

Illustrator Shaun Tan can add yet another award to his bulging CV, after taking out the Album of the Year prize at Angouleme, France’s prestigious... Read more

Victorian community history awards announced x

Jillian Durance has won the main prize at the 2007 Victorian Community History Awards for Still Going Strong: The Story of the Moyarra Honor Roll (Moyarra... Read more

In brief x

Gillard flags national IR planThe federal government is acting on a pre-election pledge to implement a national industrial relations platform for employees of private companies.... Read more

Around the world x

Among the stories added to our Around the World blog in the past week: Costa award to Kennedy US textbook prices ‘rise 186% in 20... Read more

Forthcoming events x

Trade events coming up over the next week, as shown on our events calendar, include: Professional Publishing in Asia 2008 Conference, New Delhi, 31 Jan–1... Read more

Bestsellers this week x

James Patterson knocks Ian McEwan’s Atonement off top spot this week, with his new crime novel, 7th Heaven, set in San Francisco. It also claims... Read more

RiP Paddy McGuinness x

Controversial columnist and former Quadrant editor Padraic ‘Paddy’ McGuinness has died in his Sydney home after a battle with cancer. He was 69. First coming... Read more

RiP Hone Tuwhere x

Maori poet Hone Tuwhere has died in Dublin, aged 86. The former Te Mata Poet Laureate, who won Montana NZ Book Awards in 1998 and... Read more

RiP Edward D Hoch x

Crime writer Edward D Hoch has died of a heart attack in his New York home. He was 77. The famously prolific author published more... Read more



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